

Some articles on this website are in english, we’re working on a full english version of our website. All our redactors are french and the Collective is a french HEMA effort, we are doing our best to translate all the articles and offer our work to english readers as well.


The Collective for Research and Experiment on Viking-age Combat is a french-speaking group. We’re gathered by the will of working together on the Viking-age fighting customs.

Research and experiment are the bases on which we wish to work. We aknowledge the laclk of primary sources on Viking combat, hence the need to keep a critic’s eye on our work at all costs. Our goal is not to build false assertions on the combat techniques or fighting traditions but to study the principles of the Viking-age combat by following a clear experimental process.

The Collective is born from the will to track and pursue our work on Viking-age combat. The gathering at Le Mans in Mars 2014 was the founding moment. It is a common will from both the instructors and the attendees to pursue our efforts on the works that were presented at the event.

 The Collective isnt a reenactors’ group. We created this collective as a HEMA-minded group, and after a HEMA event. The founding members of the Collective wish to work on the Viking-age combat and claim their links to the french HEMA federation (FFAMHE). However, some of our members and redactors are active in the reenactment scene and/or are part of reenactment groups, we wish our collective to be an effort of diversity of views and exchange.

The Collective isnt an association nor a legal group but a gathering of people who share the same views on the Viking-age combat research and wish to bring their work to the reader.